defy them

fly, fly away before your wings wither

INTRO: lenee or lee | they/them | 23 | CSTFOLLOWING/UNFOLLOWING: i’m selective and private, please respect that! it can take me a little while to get a look at new followers so please be patient and don’t take it personally. i will not write with muses who use whitewashed faceclaims or celebrities known for abuse or bigotry. as such, if i see any form of bullying, homophobia, racism etc, from a mun i will unfollow.sometimes i follow and i truly want to write, but things just don’t seem to mesh ic or ooc. so i may choose to unfollow. it isn’t personal, i just don’t like having my dash cluttered with mutuals who i never get to actually interact with. that being said i tend to be very patient about clicking with new mutuals and finding our groove. i don't expect immediate interaction. we're all anxious beans here, but i will try to send memes and like starter calls when i see them!lastly, i am never going to be offended if you decide to unfollow for any reason! if you do however, please don't softblock. instead i'll notice because i have mutual checker and unfollow accordingly! softblocks usually leave me uncertain if it was tumblr messing up or not and just adds unnecessary confusion and anxiety.INTERACTION: i am primarily plot based! i prefer healthy amounts of ooc communication. please do always feel free to send in memes and continue them if they have somewhere to go! it's a great way to break the ice. however when i post starter calls keep in mind it's generally a given i will come plot first if we haven't spoken before that way the thread can have longevity. so please be willing to contribute! i want to know your thoughts and ideas always.i typically write 1-2 paragraphs at the minimum. i don't mind one liners as starters but i tend to turn it into a para when i reply.please take a few moments to fill out this short form when you get a chance. it just has a few questions that will help me know if mags can communicate in sign language with your muse. it's hard to send memes until i have these info. thanks!SHIPPING: i ship based on chemistry and that being said i’m a bitch for a good ship. so honestly never be afraid to throw stuff at me and see if our muses work well together, just be understanding if mine doesn’t quite mesh. also know i'm open to any kind of dynamics and don't expect all connections to lead to romance.FORMATTING: i'm not picky. i do have sensory issues and dyslexia, so some things might be difficult for me. if i'm struggling i'll let you know, please feel free to do the same with me. i'm making my icons myself, but the PSD is from a friend.on the note of sensory issues, a part of it is that black backgrounds with white (or bright, neon like) text is painful for me to look at. i do my best to read through everyone's pages but if you have yours formatted this way it can take me a while to get through it. so please just be patient with me if i have to ask for info or help remembering things.verbal dialogue is enclosed with ❝ ❞ and sign language with ❛ ❜ + italics.NSFW: obviously, i will not write sexually explicit content with anyone under 18 and probably won't write ships with muns who are minors. this is not at all from an attitude of condescension but merely for comfort levels. nsfw content will be tagged properly. i am pretty sex positive including kinks. if there is something you need tagged and you're a mutual, please IM me so i know! that being said i prefer to only write sexual interactions with muns i have a good ooc connection with.magnolia is a character who has experienced sexual assault and violence, however it is not something i typically write beyond mentions of her past. i make sure to tag them with "sexual assault cw" or "abuse tw"GODMODDING: i feel like this doesn’t even need to be said these days but you never know so like, don’t try to write my muse and i won’t write yours. since magnolia can sense thoughts, she'll naturally understand some things about other muses. however, i never assume anything and will make sure to communicate ooc about it.on another note, magnolia is a selective mute. there is more on this in her bio. but it's important to know about interacting with her. i like to send memes to break ice, but know if it's a verbal one it wouldn't be a first interaction. please don't force it as such. due to this i am also reluctant to have threads based around a first meeting if your muse does not know any sign language and even then i prefer plotting as those kinds of threads don't usually have anywhere to go.MAINS/EXCLUSIVES: at the moment i'm practicing very little exclusivity. for now it's only for those i've written with a very long time and have continual plotting and interaction with. i do tend to have mains which to me means people that i prioritize plots and interactions with, i'm not making that a real public list right now.
seesgood — exclusive caroline forbes
barnaes — ship exclusive james " bucky" barnes
sorehsu - ship exclusive obi-wan kenobi
parieur - ship exclusive le chiffre
thebestplayer - ship exclusive james bond
TRIGGERS: as said before, mutuals may IM me to have things tagged. there are mentions of suicide, abuse and generally violent, dark content. i do my best to put content warnings on posts when necessary.for myself i would appreciate it if any discussions or reblogged content regarding the series 'pam & tommy' be tagged. i'll do my own work to tag the visage for sebastian stan and lily james myself, though. thank you! (i have both "pam and tommy" and "pam & tommy" blacklisted so whichever you do is fine)OTHER: if your muse is from harry potter or a multimuse that heavily features that fandom, i won’t follow back. it’s nothing personal. i respect people’s ability to reclaim the work but i personally don’t want to be around it. thank you for your understanding!

what happens when the nightmares come true?

NAME: magnolia eva castillo
NICKNAMES: mags, maggie, lia
D.O.B. 20 october 2304
AGE: 32
GENDER: cis female
PRONOUNDS: she/her
SEXUALITY: demisexual biromantic
EYE COLOR: green
HAIR: brunette, 3b curls
SCARS: rectangle patch on left inner forearm, six inch long gash running from her wrist upwards on right inner forearm, two inch long laceration parallel to aforementioned scar on right forearm, one inch horizontal scar above right eyebrow, horizontal slanted scars on either hip/lower ribs, curved surgical scarring on left side of skull (concealed by her hair)
canon after arc i: snake bite mark on left wrist
TATTOOS: verses dependent find post here.
ZODIAC: libra sun, aries moon, pisces rising
OCCUPATION: tantalus asset experiment / telepathic consultant / artist
ABILITIES: imagery based telepathy / claircognizance / mental energy manipulation
PSYCHOLOGICAL: autism spectrum disorder, complex PTSD, major neurocognitive disorder, disassociative disorders
DISABILITIES: selective mute, speech impediment from brain surgery
LANGUAGES: spanish, english, portuguese, italian, BSL, LSC, ASL, LSE
SKILLS: projectile weapons, adept marksmen, linguistics, forgery
HOBBIES: painting, sketching, sewing, bird watching
NOTE: magnolia prefers to use sign language to communicate. when she does speak verbally, her sentences can often be short and choppy. she might speak in ways that don’t make sense to those around her due to her speech disability. she will most likely not speak verbally to strangers.

MOTHER: elena castillo ( deceased )
LEGAL GAURDIAN: verita perez ( deceased )
AUNT: silvana garcía ( whereabouts unknown )
PET(S): talos ( great dane service dog / verse dependent )MAIN RELATIONSHIPS: willow acar / edric westlithe

magnolia was put in the foster system a few years after she was born. her father was unlisted on her birth certificate and her mother was sickly, battling a new disease which doctors had yet to understand. when she was ten, an elderly woman, verita perez, fostered her. she was kind and simply wanted some company in her old age. she grew sick when magnolia was seventeen and had to be put in a retirement home. it was then she was recruited by tantalus. it didn’t take much convincing. when she learned they were a genetic research facility it brought her hope they could learn how to heal the disease which took her mother. and perhaps, make life longer and easier for people like verita. it seemed exciting and the promise of financial stability was too good to pass up.
she was transported from cuba to an undisclosed location in northern europe. there she was placed on a compound with 19 other recruits. there, they completed their education and begin training. it was clear this was about more than science. they were being groomed to become weapons. something some of them signed up for, magnolia however, had not.while she thrived at subjects like history, science and linguistics, she struggled with the combat training. the things which were clearly going to be used for field work she wasn’t quite certain she was prepared for. when the class graduated, they were told they could return home or continue with their training. magnolia requested to be sent home. unknown to her, this was a loyalty test and she had failed. when she went back to her dorm to collect her things, she was injected with anesthetic. when she woke up, she was inside a new room secluded from the rest of the compound. that’s when the experiments started.her classmates believed she had returned home. and so she was locked away in a laboratory alone and forgotten for 14 years.

ABILITIES EXPLANATION: magnolia always had a bit of a sixth sense. verita called her an old soul. she had an intuition about things and people, sharp-witted and shrewd. when she was first brought onto the compound she was classified as one of the recruits who didn’t have any apparent specialities beyond the general heightened senses and advancements the gene brought out. through experimentation, however, they figured out she had a type of telepathy. it was sharpened and strengthened during her time in captivity. she concealed much of her advancements from them. she's extremely connected to the spiritual realm/astral plane. in depth description

what happens when you're still awake
after the monsters eat you?


ARC I: covers magnolia’s time in captivity. she undergoes constant observation and experimentation. eventually, they begin letting the operations division of tantalus use her for assignments, usually interrogative and data extraction.PYTHIA: while on one of the unauthorized assignments jasper, her handler, forces her into, magnolia attacks him. after suffering years of his abuse, she uses his own knife to kill him. she cuts the tracker from her arm and runs as fast and as far as she can. she finds herself hidden away among the criminal underbelly of society, those who deal in freelance mercenary work and black market dealings. the very kind of people who tantalus has made their competition and enemy. it is here that she begins to finally find a family. but the question remains whether this time, she can keep them.ARC II: fueled by the desire to no longer be overshadowed by her past, magnolia sets out on a path of revenge. while in the midst of her own efforts, she is reunited with some of her former classmates (emil kindell / klarsynt & aspen monroe / acipaer). she decides to join those already fighting against tantalus, though the scars left behind from her losses might prove to interfere with her ability to look to the future.ARC III: magnolia is one of the assets who testifies in the court hearings surrounding the tantalus program and all those involved. she’s granted immunity and financially compensated by the cuban government. after the case is finished, she separates herself from her past as much as possible. art had been a constant in her life and that is what she returns to, anonymously selling her works while she heals. | in depth details here please read if you plan to interact in this verse!! |

SOTERIA: after the conclusion of the trial of the people v. tantalus corporation magnolia decides to enter a witness protection program. it's done out of a desire to isolate the dangers of what she knows from her loved ones. edric westlithe is the main marshal in charge of her. she goes by lia perez and spends her time working as an anonymous artist. click here for more details.RESURRECTED: mags dies from an experiment inside tantalus labs. to give her a second chance at life and revenge, a demon, nasya, bound her soul to theirs. she was returned to her body along with the spirit. magnolia murdered the researchers responsible for her death and broke out of the facility. she wanders now looking for her old friends and taking revenge on tantalus staff.


MCU: follows her main canon up until the details of her escape. when thanos snaps it takes out everyone in the lab except magnolia, leaving her able to escape. the world had massively changed since she was held captive and she was left trying to catch up on what she lost, and find a way to build a life with her freedom. at first she hid away and tried to keep quiet, but in time began going after the surviving tantalus clients and sponsors she could get her hands on. the last year of the blip, she was finally beginning to settle. she had forged a new identity and for the first time in years was beginning to find contentment. however, when the snap was reversed it upended everything she'd worked so hard for. now, she finds herself back in hiding with a larger target on her back than she ever could have imagined.MARVEL 616: though still hiding from tantalus, magnolia finds herself becoming a telepathic consultant for heroes and vigilantes. her priority is protecting and giving aid to abandoned kids, the mutants and enhanced left behind by society to fend for themselves. it brought her in contact with street level heroes who could benefit from her skills. she provides psychic healing and energetic training as well as serving as an abilities amplifier for some. (also works for DC, she's in gotham)STAR WARS: on the outer rim lies xeánu, a warm ocean planet made up of many islands. it's occupants are a humanoid with intuitive connections to all living things around them. it is here which magnolia was born and later stolen from. she and several others were taken from an orphanage in her teen years for a project funded by various bureaucrats and aristocracy across the galaxy who sought to use any species with gifts to their own advantage. she was experimented upon for many years as well as utilized to gather secrets for anyone with enough credits to pay the right price. she was only freed from this around the start of the clone wars during an investigation handled by the jedi council. magnolia was brought to coruscant and became an informant in the war efforts. after the fall of the republic she fled and hasn't stopped moving since. note: this verse has been heavily developed with saintshope and as such i'm exclusive to bast's bail! her friendship with him will likely carry over to other plots as it's integral to her portrayal in this verse.DRUID: ( based upon the lore of BBC’s Merlin ) magnolia was brought to the druids as an infant. her mother had been executed for practicing healing magic, so her father left her on the outskirts of an encampment to be found by her own kind. it was quickly evident early on she harnessed a gift of seeing into the thoughts of others, this mystical connection extended to all living things. she was raised to honor the earth and only utilize her abilities for good. during her teen years, her village was raided by a band of barbarians. many were slaughtered and she was among those captured. rather than being turned over to camelot for prize money, however, she was kept by one of the men who found interest in using her powers for his own gain. she remained beneath his control for countless years, sometimes lent out to others who could pay a handsome sum. eventually, she managed to escape after murdering her captor. but with nowhere to go, she finds herself constantly on the run with no real purpose other than survival. (note: in this verse magnolia can speak to people telepathically in the same manner as other druids like mordred)BUFFYVERSE: magnolia was born from a witch, the offspring of a fling with an empath demon. her mother was ill from unnatural causes and passed when she was two. her father was unaware of her existence so magnolia was placed into the foster system. when she was eight, an older woman became her legal guardian. she’d been her mothers mentor and received a vision about magnolia. she began teaching her about the supernatural world and teaching her to use her telepathic gifts. in her early twenties, magnolia was captured by initiative soldiers. she remained there for several years, experimented on and used for the the development of their research. she was among those who managed to escape when the agency fell apart.SUICIDE SQUAD: while out on a mission, magnolia manages to steal a gun from her handler and shoots him. instead of running away she returns to the tantalus facility and kills as many of the staff there as possible by hand before setting fire to the building which leads to an explosion. being on U.S. soil at the time and police arriving at the scene, she’s put into their prison system. she’s transferred to task force x custody shortly thereafter.


OPERATIONS: magnolia underwent countless medical procedures and experiments. Prominent among these includes the removal of brain matter from the left hemisphere (this resulted in her speech impediment), extraction of right kidney, later removal of left kidney which was replaced with an artificial implant and repeated bone marrow extractions over the course of 14 years.COMMUNICATION: magnolia is unlikely to speak verbally around people she doesn't trust unless absolutely necessary. she prefers to use sign language and is fluent in many different regional dialects. linguistics was an academic strength for her and she understands more languages than she can speak.IDENTITY: magnolia is legally dead in cuba. when she's on the run, she has to use forged identities or get resources from unofficial channels.BEHAVIOR: as observed from the psychological section of her bio, magnolia suffers from several mental health disorders due to trauma. on top of this and social isolation, she is prone to speak and behave in unconventional ways. she is prone to episodes of mania, paranoia and at times even psychosis.


— set in 2300's, humans got their shit together so infrastructure is solarpunk we saved the environment yay
— human genome is adapting again so there's a new strand known as 'the anomaly gene' and people who have it are scientifically titled 'homoproximus'
— homoproximus folks / anomalies have heightened senses and usually develop special abilities like empathy, telepathy, clairvoyance etc.
— naturally governments and rich people want to profit on this so some of them eventually start a super secret program called 'tantalus' to monitor and study them
— the tantalus project also ends up recruiting teens from low income situations and turns them into operatives for the government to use and for rich people to pay for to do whatever the fuck they want with them
— the tantalus operatives known as 'assets' ended up getting implants that monitor their body functions for the studies and a second one that is a kill switch in case they act up
— eventually some assets start defecting bc this badass bitch lucy wilder is a technopath who can disable the implants.
— a lot ex assets stay in a safe house called the rykov farm. they are found family disasters
— last note to know is that mags isn't an operative like the rest bc she felt shit was sketch and failed a loyalty test during training so she got put in a lab and just became a lab rat for 10+ years :///////// now that's a lot of damage